IgorMUD’s Links
Part 1: MUDs and MUDding
Part 2: MUD Clients and Servers
Part 3: RWHO and mudwho
Part 4: Servers at a glance
LPC is a small, object oriented type C language developed by Lars Pensjö for LP-MUD, a Multi-User Dungeon environment under many UNIX systems.
Documentation includes:
· All efuns
· LPC according to Profezzorn
· A beginner’s manual to LPC
· An intermediate manual to LPC
· The docs for MudOS
From the Authors:
Ellery: The [page] text was
adapted by me for TubMud. Don't feel irritated by the occasional references to
it and my having a different character name there. Also, don't worry about the
patronizing mood I employ in the notes every now and then - this text is meant
to enforce a mud policy on TubMud, it's only a source of ideas on Nanny.
Macbeth: This is taken from the manual of a compiler for INFOCOM-like games. And while muds are different from text adventures, they have still enough in common to use similar design criteria for them. Besides, it is a very good text.
Discussion includes:
· A Bill of Player's Rights
· What Makes a Good Game?
Basic Information about MUDs and MUDding
Who's Who in Science and Engineering: BARTLE, RICHARD ALLAN
BARTLE, RICHARD ALLAN, computer games designer; b. Ripon, Eng., Jan. 10, 1960; s. Frederick Allan Bartle and Edith Anne Toase; m. Gail Christine Martin, Apr. 13, 1985; children: Jennifer Gail, Madeleine Anne. BSc in Computer Sci. 1st class honors, Essex (Eng.) U., Colchester, 1981, PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 1988. Lectr. dept. computer sci. Essex U., 1984-89; mng. dir. Mult1-User Entertainments Ltd., Colchester, 1989 - , also bd. dirs.; cons. to various cos. including Brit. Telecom, Mercury Comms., London, 1985 -. Author: Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games, 1985, (computer game) MUD 2, 1985 - ; co-author: (computer game) MUD, 1978. Mem. Soc. For Study Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior. Achievements include co-invention of class of mult1-player computers MUDs - multl-user dungeons used as text-based virtual realities and played in shared virtual words. Avocations: reading, writing, playing computer and board games.
Site includes (among many other things):
· The main archive of MUD-related writings
· The archive of MUD-related writings by R. Bartle
A refereed paper by R. Bartle - appeared in Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Journal of MUD Research, June, 1996.
ABSTRACT : Four approaches to playing MUDs are identified and described. These approaches may arise from the inter-relationship of two dimensions of playing style: action versus interaction, and world-oriented versus player-oriented. An account of the dynamics of player populations is given in terms of these dimensions, with particular attention to how to promote balance or equilibrium. This analysis also offers an explanation for the labelling of MUDs as being either "social" or "gamelike".
“This is a list of all the incarnations of MUD which made it into production; there are others which didn't get that far, but non-disclosure agreements prevent my naming the guilty parties...”
XYZZY News, the online magazine for interactive fiction enthusiasts.
Dragons, Shovels, and Telepathy
By Miron Schmidt. A brief look at MUD design, from XYZZY News #13.
Imaginary Realities
is a MUDzine about a variety of topics, all of them having to do with MUDs.
"We make people with
overactive imaginations look dull!"
“HorrorArtOnline.com is dedicated to bringing you the finest Horror, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy artwork created by some of the best professional and emerging artists that we could dig up. All of the artwork for sale in our galleries has been personally selected by us to ensure that you are receiving products of the highest quality.”
The Kingdomality Personal
Preference Profile
What Pre-1985 Video Game
Character Am I?
What would your stats
be in AD&D?
Web site for TextPad, a powerful, general purpose editor for plain
text files. Easy to use, with all the features a power user requires – AWESOME
for MUD coding.
PhD Thesis of Andreas Dieberger
in Textual Virtual Environments using a City Metaphor”
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences
Submitted at the Vienna University of Technology,
Faculty of Technology and Sciences
November, 1994
IgorMUD is used as a test case in this thesis. Check out chapters 6 and 7 in particular for references to Igor.
The Journal of
Virtual Environments
Previously the Journal of MUD Research.
“The Journal of Virtual Environments is a refereed electronic journal which publishes research that relates to Virtual Environments or makes use of Virtual Environments. Of particular interest are anthropological, psychological, and sociological approaches, as are the practical and technical aspects of creating, maintaining and administrating VEs. Both empirical and theoretical works are welcome. The Journal also publishes "Comments" (shorter pieces which propose new directions for research on Virtual Environments) and book reviews.”
Language Tools and Resources
Mirriam-Webster Online, The Language Center
Mirriam-Webster Thesaurus and Dictionary, including an unabridged version.
· American Heritage Dictionary word lookup;
· Foreign Language Word Translation (by Ultralingua);
· Foreign Dictionaries;
· Professional Glossaries (i.e. Business, Finance, Law);
· Synonyms, Antonyms & Homonyms;
· plus more (including write your name in foreign languages such as hieroglyphs!).
Lists variety of Thesauruses on the Web, including probably anything you can imagine. Currently listed by subject or alphabetically.
The Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum (TML)
This is an evolving database of the entire corpus of Latin music theory written during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
Visual Thesaurus, Plumb Design
Just what it says, a Visual Thesaurus. Enter your word, and follow the path visually to synonyms, antonyms… Absolutely beautiful.
The Cook’s Thesaurus – Well, you know… a Cook’s Thesaurus.
RhymeZone – A Rhyming Thesaurus.
A number of interactive quizzes and guides from Capital Community College in Hartford, Connecticut, USA.
Updated: March 2003 |